Let us start with Common Yarrow, both because it is so pretty and because PictureThis does not really have anything bad to say about it. A wildflower that is considered to be good luck in China and to have magical powers in Scotland. It can be brewed into beer, tea and liquor although PictureThis suggests …
Queen Anne's lace
Summer? Where did that go?
It is looking slightly brighter this morning – although it feels no warmer – but yesterday was grim…. Lowering grey clouds and drizzle over the distant city, rain puddles under the seat, no one but a crow to be seen. Down at the Men’s swimming pond it wasn’t much better. But, check out those dots …
Ducks – and more bees…
I seem to have become rather obsessed by bees – or is it just that we are in high bee season? Anyhow, here is one at work on some rather fine Queen Anne’s lace down by the Boating pond – with some rather noisy accompaniment. Isn’t the curled up green bud at the end of …
Queen Anne’s Lace and the Oare marshes
Looking out from the coastal path at Harty Ferry near Faversham, it is all but impossible to see where the dappled gun metal grey of the clouds meets the shimmering pewter of the Thames estuary – fringed, at high tide, with dark brown wet seaweed. The path runs along the Oare marshes, a birders’ paradise …