As I was taking pictures of the garden for the garden page this afternoon, I found Tawny Pipit and Arwen together under the weeping pear tree…. Arwen, however, was obviously intent on having more fun than just hanging out… Now was this just an affectionate lick or was Arwen whispering something in Tawny Pipit’s ear? …
Tawny Pipit
Spring in north London
Readers who follow my garden pages will already have seen spring start to burst in our garden but blossom has been following blossom in such profusion over the last few weeks that it seemed criminal not to share them more widely. So… Pictured above the the cherry tree in the front garden – a glorious …
As a rule, my garden is firmly penned in to its own page on this blog and not allowed to escape. But, so spectacular is this year’s display of Ice Follies that it demanded to be let out so that it could be seen by the wider world! The Ice Follies came as the gift …
The garden this week
A red admiral taking a rest on Tawny Pipit’s back – but click here to see one my lovely roses… And check out our every growing family of foxes having breakfast!