Just to prove that it does rain in Highgate and Hampstead – you might well not have thought so from the images from the last few weeks.
Anyhow, between the rain and the preparations for our on line presentation of the FreeFrom Food Awards, I never made it to the heath yesterday so, rather belatedly, here is quite a long walk through the woods from last week. And I thought that for once, instead of wittering on at you while I was filming, we would just walk……
(If you want to see the video you will need to click onto the blog as the email notification does not include the video.)
I hope you found that peaceful – and not too sea-sick making! I realise that I do not always hold the phone as steadily as I might and that I may swing around rather disturbingly quickly…. Apologies!
So – nice and still – here is Arwen exploring the compost bin. (I decided that the one thing I could not live without, even though the garden is not even remotely organised for it, was a compost bin. This super simple slotted job was £26 from Amazon and I am hoping I can just move it around in due course.) And then Arwen leaping off!
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