Many readers will remember that the idea for my ‘talking walks’ came from my cousin Des, who, thanks to an inherited condition, was gradually losing his sight. Sadly, Des’ sight has deteriorated dramatically to all but zero over the last two years. He wrote the following piece for a local newspaper using only Voiceover technology …
Eyesight / loss of sight
Magnolias, pussy willow buds (talking!) and a very cross swan!
Those who would like to listen rather than look can go straight to this ‘talking’ budding pussy willow video. There is also a description of the cross swan at the bottom of this post as well as a video. Those who would like to visit the magnolias first, please read on. Held by yesterday’s and …
Magnolias, pussy willow buds (talking!) and a very cross swan!Read More
Bursting bud talking walk
The magnolia tree in front of Kenwood House is so close to bursting out all over – just one more day of full sun. So first up, a talking walk around the tree, followed by a wander through the daffodil bank. From the end of the daffodil bank I walked round the back of the …
Talking the Walk
Longstanding subscribers to this blog may remember that a couple of years go I talked about my cousin Des in the west of Ireland. Des has ‘Inherited Retinal Dystrophy’….. ‘Inherited’, he says, ‘because I told them my mother was affected, and retinal dystrophy because the cells in the retina are dying off. Which, to me, …