The garden is looking distinctly Decemberish – dead ferns and very green mirrors thanks to all the rain. But the heron is glad to shed his green mantle for a few months – and Darby and Joan are still striding out. Although the grass is now all shorn, the large white hydrangea now a rather …
Michelle's garden
Is summer over already?…..
Officially, autumn started nine days ago, but I am trying to look on it as just another phase of summer….. And clearing out some of the now spent summer plants has given a different feel to the garden. But first I want to share a few of photographer Marc Gascoigne’s rather lovely pics. I have …
Jazz party and the August garden
Our jazz garden party happened last Sunday and here are the first comers getting in on that bread and cheese before anyone else arrived – or indeed the music got started. And here is our next door neighbour, Jean, trying to decide which of that pretty impressive choice of cheeses to go for…. As far …
The garden in July
Do you remember those ridiculous six foot high alliums whose stalks were reaching for the sky? Well, finally – two months later – they are starting to flower. First by shedding their pointed hats… ..and then bursting (slightly half heartedly) into bloom. Will all those tight little buds open out or is that the way …
Long overdue garden update….
I see that back in April I was filled with good intentions to do monthly garden updates but here we are in June….. So, to go back to soon after I left off in April – and the vibrant plumes of ajuga outside my study window. Sadly they do not last that long but are …
April garden update
It may not look as though we are making much progress – still builders very much in evidence – but I promise you that we are… The paving is now all laid around the house (still working on the area in front of the garage) and I have even managed to plant some wheelie bin …