Thirty one degrees today – so I thought we needed water….
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This is the water fountain at the bottom of ‘my’ meadow – and very welcome it is – although I wish people wouldn’t also use it as a rubbish receptacle….. I had already removed two bottles out of it before I took this video.
And who would have believed that this was a Wednesday? The slopes above the boating pond were crammed with bronzed and bronzing legs, arms and torsos.
Yet, less than 50 yards away the men’s pool was totally deserted and looking oh so fresh and inviting.
Mind you, that was a trick of the light as, in fact, it was steaming round the men’s pool as well. Even the stock pond, usually delightfully cool and reflective, look hot.
However, at least one person had got the message about staying cool…
And apologies for the rather abrupt ending – I was getting comprehensively and very wetly nuzzled….
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