A cold, wet, grey afternoon did little to lift lockdown gloom so I was very happy to have taken this picture two days ago. Only speckles of yellow for now but when spring arrives this whole bush will be washed in sunshine! To be fair to the rain, it did give a polished sheen to …
Cygnets on Hampstead heath
New Year’s Day – and a swan onrush……..
The sun was shining brightly on New Year’s Day when I ventured down to the Lido near Parliament Hill to meet a friend for a walk. ‘Parliament Hill Fields Lido was opened on 20 August 1938. At a cost of £34,000, it was the most ambitious and expensive of the thirteen lidos built on parkland …
Reappearance of the swan family – and a long walk
I have had numerous sightings of a pair of swans on the boating pond recently – on this occasion being investigated by a curious if slightly foolhardy moorhen. However, I had not seen sight nor sound of the swan family and was seriously wondering whether the cygnets had all been whisked off a good deal …