Given this morning’s weather forecast I fear the two below may not be the only trees that we lose on the heath this August. August?….. How come we are losing trees in August!! This huge American red oak came down just above the sports field on East Heath – on the other side of the field, fortunately, from the pavilion which is would have squashed into a pumpkin.
Rather unusually it seems to have literally snapped off at ground level –
although on its way down it tore the branch from another tree leaving a bleeding gash both on the tree and its fallen branch.
Although the Corporation’s policy does mainly see to be to leave fallen trees where they have fallen, I suspect that this one has fallen too far into the playing field for them to do so – so keen explorers, young and old, need to make hay….
Down by the boating pond one of the massive willow trees had also suffered. It is hard to tell whether one branch had already come down and the Corporation decided that others were too dangerous to leave – of whether they had just decided to act before one did. It is a very heavily populated part of the heath so caution would understandably be in order.
Fingers crossed there will be no more today…..
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