I thought that after the last three nights of unremitting architectural gems you might be very ready to go back to birds and trees. So, first a short clip of a very enthusiastic bird on my way down the path this morning. As usual I have no idea what he (she?) is – maybe Tom will tell us?
(If you want to see the video you will need to click onto the blog as the email notification does not include the video.)
And then this satan tree with its evil eye and its long dripping nose…..
And finally a quite long walk through the woods at the back of Kenwood – part of my search to find a way to Spaniards Road the the Heath Extension without walking along Hampstead Lane.
My daily blog now has an Instagram account! WalksonHampsteadHeath – the idea being to widen the circle of people who might enjoy a daily ramble across the heath. Please follow us and pass on the news!!
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