On the south side of the allotments that you saw last night is a very exclusive row of four 1950s houses – looking north over the allotments and south over Millfield Lane – and, right now, awash in roses.
(If you want to see the video you will need to click onto the blog as the email notification does not include the video.)
So, to the last stretch. And this is a long one, you are warned.
If you have now had more than enough of Fitzroy Park you are totally free to go. But…..
If you are intrigued by number 51 you could take a look at the Robb Report – 51 Fitzroy Park in pictures. And even better pictures on The Modern House. The architects were Stanton Williams and the sale price was £9,950,00…. Not entirely sure that I would want to live in it, but very spectacular.
My daily blog now has an Instagram account! WalksonHampsteadHeath – the idea being to widen the circle of people who might enjoy a daily ramble across the heath. Please follow us and pass on the news!!
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