After the last few days of heavy architectural input, back to trees. First a long and peaceful walk through the wood below Kenwood on my side of the heath from a couple of weeks ago when some of the trees were still only just in bud.
(If you want to see the video you will need to click onto the blog as the email notification does not include the video.)
Somewhere in the same woods a couple of days ago I saw one of my better ‘climbing trees’ – this one actually being climbed.
And how about this guy – looks to me as though he is hollering across the heath to his mate!
and finally, looking up through the canopy of that willow from a couple of days ago.
My daily blog now has an Instagram account! WalksonHampsteadHeath – the idea being to widen the circle of people who might enjoy a daily ramble across the heath. Please follow us and pass on the news!!
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