Yesterday’s walk which was sparklingly sunny, if with an icy wind, took me down by the boating pond and two keen swimmers – a tan one and a black a white one.
The tan swimmer was just on his way back when I arrived and I watched him get out of the pond and then make quite sure that he got another dip in the pond – where he was joined by another keen swimmer.
(If you want to see the video you will need to click onto the blog as the email notification does not include the video.)
They seemed to be having such a good time that I decided to stick around for another dip. Our tan friend seemed focused on the ball but his black and white swimming mate seemed just to want to swim for the fun of it – and maybe make a lunge at a passing bird!
I headed from the ponds across the heath, past the Viaduct pond – of which more another day – and then back through Springett’s Wood which we visited last week –
where, among many others, I found this towering gentleman…
with a massive carbuncle on his muscular trunk.
My daily blog now has an Instagram account! WalksonHampsteadHeath – the idea being to widen the circle of people who might enjoy a daily ramble across the heath. Please follow us and pass on the news!!
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