Our jazz garden party happened last Sunday and here are the first comers getting in on that bread and cheese before anyone else arrived – or indeed the music got started. And here is our next door neighbour, Jean, trying to decide which of that pretty impressive choice of cheeses to go for….
As far as the garden was concerned it would really have been better to have the party in July as it is now really slightly past its best. So all those amazing cardoon flowers have now disappeared….
…the macaleya flowers have lost their yellow featheriness and the amazing geranium Rozannes, having taken over most of the border in June and July, are starting to die back. However, the cardoon leaves may be turning but they are doing so rather beautifully…..
…and the giant alliums are still there. The flowers are still perfect but they are obviously finding remaining upright a struggle so most of them are now leaning at a drunken angle supported on whatever is nearest.
However, the roses are still going through their second flush….
….and the Japanese anenomes beside the steps from the house are now in full flower…
…and the new hibiscus on the balcony has done brilliantly.
While the little clumps of non-stops that I tucked into the bottom of the big border just to give a splash of colour are doing their thing as they always do (so reliable…) and will no doubt continue to flower well into October.
Not that I think that any of the guests at the party was noticing! All far too busy chatting and then listening to the lovely Sol Grimshaw and his group to be bothered as to whether or not the cardoon flowers were over! (Note one of the last apples hanging ominously over Sol’s head – I was sure it was going to finally drop off to add its two pennyworth to his playing.)