All the way from Sue’s hillside in Dorset – along with a large handful of snowdrop bulbs. How exciting…….. But where to put them in the garden? That is somewhat more of a question as my new garden, although it has great potential, it is a bit of a mess at the moment.

And down the other side it is a lot worse….

Never mind – I have already found a nice little corner for the primroses which are now bedded in – and –

I do have some pretty blossom – although I am not entirely sure what it is!

LOTS of exciting work to do….
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What a lovely gift in the post from Sue. Your new garden is very exciting, my kind of project. The blossom looks like blackthorn, prunus spinosa, so hopefully you will have sloes later in the year. The large evergreen looks to dominate an otherwise sunny space.
Wasn’t it, Emma. Oooh – sloes – well that would be great! Then poor thing is actually very overhung by a rather splendid apple tree – I am told an Bramley which leans somewhat drunkenly to one side because, I am told, there was a huge weeping willow pushing it out of the way. Thank goodness the willow has gone as it must have been far too big for the garden. The evergreen is a horrible self seeded holm oak which I hope will be going….. Watch this space!!