(If you want to see the video you will need to click onto the blog as the email notification does not include the video.)
Yes, real, live rain – can you hear it? Well, to be honest, we didn’t get that much rain – nowhere near as much as our parched gardens need, but still rain. And a very desolate heath as a result.
Apologies for the lack of blog yesterday – and for this one being rather brief, but tonight is the FreeFrom Food Awards 2020 Virtual Presentation! We would normally have had a big party at the Royal College of Physicians in Regent’s Park but obviously, thanks to COVID, that is not happening. So we, like everyone else in the world, are going on line with a ‘virtual’ presentation.
If you would like to join us – not just for the presentation but for Cressida’s Zoom get together or to join in the social media chat, just log in to the awards site at 7.30 tonight. Hopefully there will also be some pretty glam frocks on display too!!!
However, as relaxation before the fun starts, I did take a brief walk in the rain. And, in my quest for the weirder and more wonderful trees to be found on the heath, I came across this felled monster which some enterprising walker had turned into a sort of wigwam…
…providing a nice little shelter if the rain got too heavy – provided that you weren’t too big.
So to end with another water related image – although I suspect that he had just been swimming…. This bird – is anyone able to tell me what he is?… was sitting in the middle of the boating pond a couple of days ago wings outstretched – apparently drying them in the sun as he showed no apparent interest in going anywhere.
My daily blog now has an Instagram account! WalksonHampsteadHeath – the idea being to widen the circle of people who might enjoy a daily ramble across the heath. Please follow us and pass on the news!!
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Thomas Ogren
My guess would be that that bird is a cormorant.
That’s what I wondered but do they come that far inland, Tom?