If so, I suggest you log in to What Allergy’s very useful post on travelling in Portugal. Advice on travelling with allergies is to be found all over (we have a number of articles on the Foods Matter site) but Ruth covers several angles that most people have not thought about…..
Christmas allergy care
The last thing that any wants to have to deal with over Christmas is a bad reaction to an allergen so, although it may be a bit of a pain, it is worth taking all the usual sensible precautions. Check our What Allergy?’s Stay safe this Christmas post for sensible, easy to follow advice, Micky …
Newsletter, blogs and awards…
For those who might be wondering where their Foods Matter newsletter had gone – it is on its way – but the ISP upgrade we were doing last week has involved changing the newsletter programme as well. So although this weekend’s newsletter has indeed gone out, it has failed to circumvent many of your anti-spam …
Are school peanut bans justified?
For those who are interested in this on-going debate, there is an excellent and balanced article by Gwen Smith in Canada’s CBC News – followed by nearly 40 comments which cover almost every aspect of the question. A further posting is to be found on the Eat Nut-Free blog which includes a number of other …
The brighter side…
Foods Matter has been off air for the last few days doing all that technical work that websites always do on bank holiday weekends – including both tidying up our forums and adding to our cartoon collection! Regular site visitors will know Christopher White’s lovely whimsical cartoons – new comers have a treat in store. …
Weird disorders – or are they?
A recent article in the New York Times described the rare, but worrying ‘sleep eating disorder’ – when you not only sleep walk but sleep eat, raiding the fridge or freezer for anything it contains. And you can do it up to five times in a night! Like sleep walking, sleep eating is not thought …