Foods Matter has been off air for the last few days doing all that technical work that websites always do on bank holiday weekends – including both tidying up our forums and adding to our cartoon collection!
Regular site visitors will know Christopher White’s lovely whimsical cartoons – new comers have a treat in store. Christopher has been taking a crooked look at allergy for us for since the days when Foods Matter was just a Roneo’d newsletter, so there is little that he does not now know about allergy, digestive complaints, skin conditions – and worms, one of his favourite subjects! You will find his cartoons scattered randomly as you work your way through the articles and research pages of the FM site – or you can go straight to the Christopher page which links you directly to individual illustrated pages.
Cartoons may provoke a wry smile or, on occasion, an outright belly laugh – but, be warned, you may have to read the piece in full to really get the savour of the joke. But, whichever way – you will enjoy!
And on the subject of updating and spring cleaning… We have just been tidying up our very popular forums covering allergy (to everything!), asthma, environmental conditions, coeliac disease and other digestive conditions, skin conditions, micronutrition and superfoods, alternative and complementary therapies, behavioural conditions and freefrom foods and recipes – all subjects which are, of course, covered in great depths either in the Foods Matter articles and research section or in the FM FreeFrom Food Section!