However steamy we may feel, the ducks seems totally un-phased. How jealous must all those keen swimmers be who are still barred from their pools. Now I had been going to include the rather fine cottage with charmingly curly chimneys at the corner of Highgate cemetery – and some wonderfully cool shots of the shady …
Athlone House
And back to trees…..
Well strictly speaking, back to dead trees. Yesterday I walked back through Kenwood Woods and saw this guy. Looked to me just like those sun reddened canyons that John Wayne – or the Lone Ranger – might have been galloping through in pursuit of some gap-toothed evil outlaw…. A bit further on I found these …
Aren’t these pretty? They are obviously some sort of wild primrose as they appear to be self seeded in just one little patch of heath. (10/4 Thank you to both Julia and Lorna who have pointed out that they are cowslips – not, as Julia adds, often found these days.) I set off this morning …