Well strictly speaking, back to dead trees.
Yesterday I walked back through Kenwood Woods and saw this guy. Looked to me just like those sun reddened canyons that John Wayne – or the Lone Ranger – might have been galloping through in pursuit of some gap-toothed evil outlaw….
A bit further on I found these brothers. Here is Brother One – just dead….
And at his feet Brother Two who had split in half but, in an attempt to keep the family together, had fallen right at Brother One’s feet.
I am not sure what had done for them but the various bits of branches that had obviously been sawn off were fascinating. This one had turned into a chimney brush – ready to be used by any passing sweep.
This one reminded me of those fan type filing folders…
And this one of……. Well, I am not sure what it reminded me of but it must be providing a great home for innumerable beetles and insects.
And if that is all a bit static, here is a brief walk up the path by Athlone House a couple of days ago. I am afraid there is quite a lot of traffic noise – but that’s what comes of leaving lockdown…
(If you want to see the video you will need to click onto the blog as the email notification does not include the video.)
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