Pretty, aren’t they? Even prettier when they were all out in the garden. Not their best year as they rushed out too early in our February heat wave and then got rather confused as to what they were doing. But none the less pretty. All dead now – but….all militarily upright so, I thought, would …
Ice follies
10 tips on how to run a large London garden on two hours a week….
Last month I was asked, as a result of my review of Tom Ogren’s latest book on allergen free gardening, to write a piece for a gardening website. I was deeply flattered! So, since I know that half of you who read my blog only do so for the garden, I thought I would share …
10 tips on how to run a large London garden on two hours a week….Read More
As a rule, my garden is firmly penned in to its own page on this blog and not allowed to escape. But, so spectacular is this year’s display of Ice Follies that it demanded to be let out so that it could be seen by the wider world! The Ice Follies came as the gift …
Autumn trees – and bulbs….
Autumn colours are definitely the order of the day but… …our focus has been on daffodils… Read more…