Dear All….. A walk in Belsize Park today but first….. If you enjoy our daily wanders round heath and you think that anyone you know who is currently hemmed in by their four walls – and has access to the internet – might enjoy them too, please forward them a link. Nice to share Hampstead …
Isokon Flats
Little My……
My good friends who used to live in the penthouse at our Grade 1 listed Isokon Flats have now gone off to run a Moomin shop in Camden Lock. I must admit that, to my shame, I had never even heard of the Moomins – the rather delightful fairy tale characters created by the Finnish writer Tove …
The blossom seasons continues…..
Thanks to the continuing blasts from the east (it is actually hailing as I write this!) our blossom season has been almost endlessly prolonged. This is our forsythia, still going month after it first burst into bloom. See the garden pages for more.