The weather has been grey and uninspiring for the last few days and I have been super busy so I apologise for the blog silence. As a small peace offering here are some random heath shots from the last few months – and some slow watching with our heron. I found him in the middle of the field up by the Highgate path and although we never got close and personal, he did allow me to follow him for a long way before he finally took wing.
The pond at the bottom of the path down to the heath from Hampstead Lane – early morning.
Sunset from my living room window.
Fallen giant….
Ducks on the Waterlow Park pond.
And the heron. I am afraid that he is quite small and he does head off round the corner as he flies off, but I hope he will give you a few minutes slow watching.
Janet Aris
Thanks so much for the heron slow watch! Who knew that they walked so far, and not necessarily by the waters’ edge.
Indeed, Janet. This guy – assuming it is always the same guy and we don’t have two herons – seems very happy on land.This is certainly not the first time I have seen him outside the ponds although never actually walking so far. But he seemed perfectly relaxed.