I seem to have become rather obsessed by bees – or is it just that we are in high bee season? Anyhow, here is one at work on some rather fine Queen Anne’s lace down by the Boating pond – with some rather noisy accompaniment. Isn’t the curled up green bud at the end of the clip wonderful?
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And here is another flower, just opened but in this one you can see the single red floret in the very centre – said to be a drop of Queen Anne’s blood which fell from her finger when she pricked it with her needle while working on her lace. I am sure you will all be riveted to know that Queen Anne’s Lace is part of the carrot family but is generally regarded as a weed. How rude…..
But, what about the ducks?
Well, I was walking back along Kenwood Lake quite late last night and I saw all these ducks heading purposefully across the lake, trailing V-shaped vapour trials behind them. I thought they must be heading for an evening rendezvous – the duck equivalent of meeting at the pub for an evening drink. But having reached the end of the lake they milled around for a bit – and then just headed off….
My daily blog now has an Instagram account! WalksonHampsteadHeath – the idea being to widen the circle of people who might enjoy a daily ramble across the heath. Please follow us and pass on the news!!
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