I have written many posts over the years about friends or colleagues who have died – but never did I think I would be writing one about James, my lifelong partner – and our Webmaster.
James died of sepsis resulting from a twisted bowel just over a week ago – after four days on life support in the wonderful Intensive Care Unit of the Royal Free Hospital.
Ours was a very private relationship but, after nearly 50 years we were still enjoying each other’s company on our daily walks around Hampstead Heath – so I guess that says all that needs to be said.
Although James has run all of our IT systems, our websites and our audiovisuals for the last ten years, his ‘real’ job was in the music world where he was probably the most successful classical record producer of all time. You can get some idea of what he did and how he was regarded in the musical world here. We are hoping to celebrate his life in music at a memorial service later in the year.
Meanwhile, we will have to crave everyone’s patience while we try to get our heads around the technicalities with which he always dealt so efficiently. The FreeFrom Eating Out and the FreeFrom Food Awards will both be going ahead as usual although we will need to postpone some judging for the first and the opening date for the second for a couple of weeks. Kathy and Cressida will keep everyone informed.
Monday 3rd. Thank you to all of you who have expressed your sympathy and condolences either in comments or in emails – we really appreciate it.
A Celebration of James’ life and work took place at LSO ST LUKES in the City of London on NOVEMBER 2nd. See the video here.
We are all here ready to go whenever you are Michelle… Meanwhile you have more important things to cope with. I hope I speak for everyone when I say you have done so much for all of us in the free from world over the years, I hope you can gain some comfort knowing we are all there right behind you at this sad time. Much love from all your friends everywhere… Xxx
Thank you, Julia, for being so wonderfully supportive.
So sorry to learn this Michelle. What a wonderful companion and such sad news. Thinking of you. x
Alex just brought this to me and I am so very sad to hear about James. But glad that you both came down last summer and we had such a jolly time. Much love, Sarah
Thank you, Hazel.
Dear Michelle,
I am so sorry to hear such sad news, my heartfelt condolences to you for your loss of such a wonderful husband.
With love from Jo
Thank you, JO.
You have been much in my thoughts and I am so very sorry. This is to send my love and thank you for all that Foods Matter has done for me and hope you will continue .xx Jacquie
I’m terribly sorry for your loss Michelle, as above it’s Alex who brought this to my attention. He sounds an incredible person and I’m in awe of his talent which will inevitably live on through music (an infinite plus in any music profession).
Thinking of you Michelle. I know you will be feeling utterly pole-axed but take comfort and strength from all the many friends around you. Liz and all at Delamere Dairy x
Oh, I’m just seeing this now…have been off in Baja, Mexico fishing for the past two months. James, he was a wonderful fellow! I am so saddened to hear that he’s died. I feel so lucky to have sat around your warm and cozy kitchen table with you and James, drinking cups of his special hand crafted coffee. I’ll miss his warm smile, the way he put things in his own way, his wry sense of humor.
My condolences to you, Michele…you must miss him so much. Much love to you.
Thnk you Tom – we do…..