Today I recruited my good friend Barbara who lives down on the south side of the heath (where I used to live…) to get out there and find exciting things to photograph on the heath. And what did she find? A loo… A rather classy loo mind you….

but actually a pretty useless one as it is closed thanks to COVID-19!
Meanwhile, up ‘my’ end of the heath – how about this for a climbing tree?

At any age from about 4 to 14 I’d say that was magic. And just across the ridge from the climbing tree was another one being put to good use.

I felt it was a bit rude to get too close but as you can see, that branch was ideal for pull ups. And just round the corner was this little glade full of violas? Miniature pansies? (Sarah – we need your expertise!)
I did record some bird song this morning too but it was in a rather unexciting bit of heath – and I realise that I actually have to upload it to Vimeo before I can drop it in here. So…. tomorrow – I promise! Meanwhile, how about these for some real pansies – from Sarah’s garden in deepest Dorset.

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I want you to know that your photos brighten my day, thank you! 😊
Oh, I am so glad, Sheila! I do sometimes wonder whether I am actually just annoying the hell out of everyone with my daily posts so I am delighted to know that the plan to cheer, not annoy, is working! And I did manage to get a bird song video this morning so, hopefully, tonight….
Stay safe – Michelle
Love your blogs, please keep going, something interesting and cheering everyday. xx Jacquie
Michelle, tthey are cheering! Thank you very much.
Funny the medics/scientists seem to have forgotten that silver kills most pathogen. I fwd a half written letter to all who are suffering…
I wonder of your comments page is big enough to take it? Here goes, otherwise I’ll send it separately… good luck and best of health, David M.
Gmail DavidEL Marsh
Re: The way to find out if you may have flu, and what to about it if you have!
DavidEL Marsh Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 11:09 PM
To: Edward Tuddenham
Thanks, I take it that’s a nO
On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 at 16:40, DavidEL Marsh wrote:
Dear Prime Minister,
I have admired your writing and have been a supporter of yours for a good number of years.
I’m writing to say how sorry I am to hear you have caught Covid-19, and to tell you that there is a possible way of lessening the discomfort. This way of alleviating your condition could also probably be used for testing if someone showing few or even no symptoms – to find out if they were carrying some unwanted pathogen, which would, of course, save lives.
By way of introduction, I am not a doctor of medicine but a science writer with a background in agriculture and a modest track record of publications to my name.
Some years ago I suffered an agonizing pain in my left abdomen, which I suspected was an ulcer. It was leaving me literally crawling up the wall with pain insofar as if it came on when I was on the phone, I would scream involuntarily.
Serendipitously, I read that colloidal silver (CS) would cure stomach ulcers. I took 200 ml as advised in a little booklet on CS and the pain went completely within 48 hours! (I must have seen at least 20 doctors during those agonizing weeks when they gave me more and more co-codamol and ibuprofen that left me blissfully pain-free for 3-4 hours, before ultimately giving me a stomach ulcer and gall stones.)
From further research, I learned that CS has the ability to alleviate many human (and animal) ills and is well known as an antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral.
I was fortunate enough to have some of this CS and duly followed the advice, which was to take 200 mls very early in the morning in the morning (4-5 am) having had no food or drink (apart from water) and emptied the bladder, gone back to bed and 20 minutes later drank as much good water as possible (a lot: for if not, the junk released by the CS will not be excreted). I did this and after a fitful sleep awoke a few hours later feeling considerably better. I drank more water and felt well again. Thenceforth I took 15 mls a day of CS every day – always on an empty stomach – otherwise one feels nauseous.
Within 48 hours, the pain had completely gone. It felt like a miracle.
I soon learned that the medical and pharmacological industries had been hiding the effectiveness of CS since the discovery of penicillin and subsequent antibiotics. Before these, CS had been widely used – in WW1 for example, and widely amongst the population. People used to put a silver 3p in their milk bottle as they knew it kept fresh longer.
Big Pharma hid the usefulness of CS by highlighting its dangers, and still do.
Agyria, silver poisoning, is indeed a danger, causing people to go blue when taking silver incorrectly, although very few people did go blue (the ‘blue-bloods’ who ate off silver plates and cutlery and cooked in silver pots as silver had the reputation of killing pathogens). The tiny bits of silver from the cutlery etc was too big for safety. There were two infamously notorious men who went blue or green-blue, but later it was discovered they both taking some particular heart medication.
Look it up on the web and chances are you will be warned off from taking it**. Here in our UK there are many businesses producing it, and others supplying the basic materials for making it at home, such as my suppliers who I strongly recommend at who have an excellent reputation and advisory section. I have been making it for about 3 years now and must have drunk over ten gallons – nor have I gone blue, green or grey. However, I would rather go any of these colours than risk catch this virulent bug as it would probably carry me off, being in the ‘extremely vulnerable’ group.
Were some a-symptomatic person want to know if they were carriers of this or any virus, our immune system would immediately tell that person should they take the 200mls as above – on an empty stomach first thing in the moring, followed 20 minutes later by lots of good water as that person would have a healing flare-up (Herxheimer effect) – added to which it would most probably kill the virus. Rather than wait for a testing kit he/she could try this simple process and therefore be made aware. The feeling of the flare up might be headache or some such but in only 2-4 hours they would feel better again. There would probably be some volunteers around who might like to try this?
I have done this many times over the last 20 years, and although one might feel a bit ‘Black Dog’ for a few hours, one awakes from it feeling marvellous. I do encourage you to try it yourself, Sir!
I have been taking CS for the last 3 years religiously and have had neither colds, flu nor flu jab in that time. For my research had shown that its usefulness is widespread, as CS has been shown to be an antibiotic, an antifungal and antiviral. It has been widely tested and written about by few doctors, but specifically by Dr Bob Beck and Robert O. Becker in his book THE BODY ELECTRIC*.
The American health writer Steve Barwick, who knows more than almost anyone about colloidal silver today and has recently published a 500-page book on CS. His today’s email lists some of the many learned papers on PubMed that demonstrate that CS does indeed kill viruses. Please see
Antiviral Qualities of Colloidal Silver Documented see Steve Barwick – The Silver Edge via
*Robert Otto Becker (May 31, 1923 − May 14, 2008) was a U.S. orthopedic surgeon and researcher in electrophysiology/electromedicine. He worked mainly as a professor at Upstate Medical Center at State University of New York, Syracuse, and as Director of Orthopedic Surgery at the Veterans Administration Hospital, Syracuse, New York.[1][2]
Dr Robert O. Becker, author of The Body Electric, recognized a correlation between low silver levels and sickness. He said silver deficiency was responsible for the improper functioning of the immune system. Dr. Becker’s experiments conclude that silver works on the full spectrum of pathogens without any side effects or damage to the body.
I wish you the very best of luck Prime Minister, please give it a go!
Yours sincerely,
David Marsh
Oh good – I am so glad Jacquie! Mxx