A slightly random collection of images today because I really wanted someone apart from me to see these lovely ranuncula that I found in the village a few days ago…

and this fabulous azalea that arrived yesterday….

And I definitely wanted you all to see these amazing pink clematis montana just bursting into bloom in my friends-from-the-other-side-of-Highgate’s fabulously lush and floriferous garden.

Their garden is a delight anyhow (we will definitely get some more pictures from them a little later into the spring) but it is particularly wonderful as it backs onto Parkland Walk, an abandoned railway track that has been turned into a nature reserve.

The walk runs from Finsbury Park to the Alexandra Palace (approximately 5 kilometres) and claims to have over 200 species of wild flowers! If you go to the LookUpLondon blog you can go on a virtual walk along almost its full length, including tunnels and old platforms.
Meanwhile, back on the heath, a little bit of soundscape – although I am afraid that my phone was not that keen on wind.
(If you want to see the video you will need to click onto the blog as the email notification does not include the video.)
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Beautiful flowers, esp the ranuncula, I adore those; they gladden the soul!