If you don’t then you might want to support the Wildlife Trusts efforts to ensure that culling stops and is replaced by bovine TB vaccination. There is currently a consultation out there asking for our views on the cull – but you only have 10 days to take part as the consultation closes on March 24th.
If you go to this page on the Wildlife Trust website you will find a response to the consultation (I have copied it below so you can see what you would be signing up to). You can just sign, but there is also space for you to add your own comments if you wish.
Dear consultation team
I welcome the opportunity to comment on the bovine TB: consultation on proposals to manage the delivery of both badger vaccination and culling in Edge counties in England. I am responding as an individual with regards to Question 9 of the consultation.
I support the Wildlife Trusts’ position on the latest consultation proposals, I believe the Government should:
- Stop issuing badger cull licences immediately. This will bring an end to the badger cull sooner than proposed, saving hundreds of thousands of badgers.
- Implement a cattle vaccine. Cattle vaccination offers the best long-term way to reduce bovine TB in the cattle population.
- Review how cattle are transported around the country and ensure measures are in place to prevent infection spread from cattle to cattle.
- Fast track the transition from badger culling to badger vaccination.
I do not agree that Badger Control licenses should continue to be issued in 2021 and 2022 as the Government is proposing.
The Government should phase out all current Badger Control Licenses as quickly as possible.
Cattle to cattle transmission is the principal cause of infection and spread of bovine TB making the movement of cattle around the country a significant factor in the spread of if the disease.
The taxpayer should not be expected to pick up the costs of a badger cull policy which is ineffective, inhumane and to which the majority are opposed.
I do hope that my opinion is taken into account.