As I arrived in my study this morning, this is what I saw through the window – the scaffolders had arrived.
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This did herald a day of much banging and crashing and a great deal of very loud Radio 2. Boris and Arwen took off into some distant part – initially I thought they might have taken refuge in their favourite bathroom haunt; Boris is obsessed by dripping taps and Arwen just goes along for the ride.

But, no. And they didn’t reappear for some hours until it was obvious that the scaffolders were not going away so they had better get used to them.
I hung around for a while but needed to make a trip to Belsize Park, on the way to which I passed by the swan’s nest and found the full family in residence, busily cleaning.

And just beside them, this rather lovely purple flower. Any suggestions?….

I had gone relatively late in the afternoon which meant that I walked back over Parliament Hill in the early evening. Such a great view over the city.

My daily blog now has an Instagram account! WalksonHampsteadHeath – the idea being to widen the circle of people who might enjoy a daily ramble across the heath. Please follow us and pass on the news!!
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love swans, plant possibly Comfrey xx Jacquie