It was a fairly grey and miserable afternoon so I thought I would walk along Hampstead Lane to where I thought the entrance to our secret garden might be. But on the way I just checked in on the garden and, in just those few days, the cow parsley has gone mad and has almost entirely hidden the cut off tree trunk circle.
Anyhow, I went out the gate and down the road….
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On my way back, as I was passing the door to Kenwood Nursery Cottage, it opened and a woman came out. So, from an appropriate distance, I asked her if she knew anything about the garden. It turned out that she didn’t as she was from south London and had got stranded up here by the virus because her partner worked on the Kenwood estate and lived at Nursery Cottage. We then proceeded to have an immensely long shouted conversation, as I find I do a lot these days with total strangers, about how different Hampstead was from Crystal Palace, how many joggers there were around Hampstead Heath – and how very rude they were, barging you into the road if you were in their way!
Regaining the peace of the heath, I breasted this little rise and caught these two trees, the delicate tracery of their leaves creating a fluttering screen…
and their neighbour – a dense green fountain of tiny shimmering leaves.
A bit further down, the leaves were still as feathery but the trees somewhat denser.
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Michelle, your columns are nice, but we are about to be overrun with 5G. I wish we could concentrate on how to stop this happening. All those nice green areas will soon be ruined by 5G. You are near the Royal Free hospital – an EMF hotspot- as well as the massive pylon in Highgate. Also, we should have rights to alternative ways of treatment re Covid-19- I would pick a HBOT chamber, vitamin C infusions and ozone treatments any day over what they are providing in hospitals- yet I do not have this right. Most people seem unaware that 65% of those put on respirators die and they die of ARDS- a horrific way to die- and apparently the death rate is even higher for those with Covid-19. Also, most people are unaware that vaccines are usually ineffective on older people- the people who would most need them for Covid- so the notion of vaccines saving us here is fairly idiotic (and we all know that vaccines have poor safety records as it is). And the notion that Boris Johnson cares about our health is laughable- he allowed the London Olympics to be sponsored by Coca Cola and McDonalds. He also refused to take any questions on sponsorship.
I share your concerns over 5G, Sophie – but I fear that now, with all of the conspiracy theories doing the rounds, is not the moment to voice them. I also agree that I would pick Vitamin C infusions over a respirator any day, but try or get a hearing for that one!! I am afraid that until the COVID situation calms down it will be very difficult to focus anyone’s minds on anything else.