I realise that it is a long time since I logged any of our Heath Hands activities – but that certainly does not mean that we have been slacking. Indeed, I have just returned from the Hill Garden where the pieris to the east of the pond was in full and glorious flower. I was …
The Old Orchard Garden Hampstead Heath
Secret garden update….
It was a fairly grey and miserable afternoon so I thought I would walk along Hampstead Lane to where I thought the entrance to our secret garden might be. But on the way I just checked in on the garden and, in just those few days, the cow parsley has gone mad and has almost …
Secret garden?
No, I haven’t been out on the heath today – I thought that on Easter Monday I should leave it to those not lucky enough to have a garden of their own – but I have done a bit of ivy hacking….. However, last week, on my way down my path from Hampstead Lane, I …