A late afternoon walk across Kenwood and I caught the sun just as it was going down – first over Kenwood’s West Meadow and then from the top of Henry Moore’s reclining figure’s slope. Although the trees look good in the evening sun, the autumn colour is not that great – certainly not compared to …
Henry Moore at Kenwood
Sunday morning dawned bright and shiny and I was up betimes. Not only up, but up at Kenwood where the daffodil bank is just starting to come into its own. Although somewhat overshadowd by the daffs, lurking at the bottom of a tree was this lovely clutch of croci. Further into the woods I came …
Remains of the snow
Although there are threats of more to come, the only snow that was left on the heath yesterday afternoon were a few muddy lumps of what once were snowmen. So lest we have have no more this year, I thought it would be nice to remember how pretty it looked. This is what I saw …
Early morning sun
I am not good at catching the early morning sun. It is not that I get up late – I am an early riser. But long habit draws me first to my desk and then, before I know it, it is 2pm and I am catching the late afternoon instead of the early morning sun. …
Talking the Walk
Longstanding subscribers to this blog may remember that a couple of years go I talked about my cousin Des in the west of Ireland. Des has ‘Inherited Retinal Dystrophy’….. ‘Inherited’, he says, ‘because I told them my mother was affected, and retinal dystrophy because the cells in the retina are dying off. Which, to me, …
The sun does not always shine on Hampstead Heath
In fact, today it was grey and unattractive enough for me to have to talk seriously to myself to drag myself from my desk. But I did, and I discovered that there had been some major pruning done on the rhododendrons on the lawns at the side of Kenwood House. On the other side of …