How exciting….. As promised, a visit to the country. Specifically to stunningly beautiful West Dorset where Sarah Stacey, our West of England stringer, has been out on one of her favourite walks. She writes:
Sunday Walk from Thorncombe west Dorset to Shedrick Mill along the Synderford river.
This is one of my favourite walks from our house in the village of Thorncombe in West Dorset, just on the border with Devon and Somerset. Walking along this footpath, straight through the middle of wide meadow, follows a track that for centuries has taken villagers down to the Synderford river.
The Synderford river. According to local historians, a document dated 1767 said that local people used to eke out what was probably a pretty meagre diet with the eels and trout that swam there.
This was our path, first through the woods and then across a meadow.
This path led to two water mills, Chaffeigh and Shedrick (see pic below), which provided work for villagers during the 18th and 19th centuries, processing local wool to weave the narrow cloth used for cheap coats and jackets.
The mills may later have been used for processing flax aka hemp, which was grown all around. Hempland Holdings and Hempland House and Cottage still belong to the Atyeo family.
Spring flowers are beginning to bloom on the banks, with catkins overhanging the river, and primroses nudging out the snowdrops. Plus, surprisingly, a clump of crocus.
Thank you, Sarah. Much though we all love Hampstead, it is great to get out into the country occasionally!
jennifer mccosh
Just beautiful Sarah, cheered me up in my Hospital bed after Hip Operation, I dreamt last night I was walking normally in the country side!!!
aand woke to find this, thankyou!
Hopefully you will soon be doing just that Jenny! Get better soon….. Michelle xxx