Boris and Arwen may not come on my walks around the heath (‘A walk? What are you thinking of? We are cats…..’) but they are actively involved in helping put the blogs together. Well, until they get bored and go to sleep.
But they did wake up this morning for long enough to wish you all a happy Christmas.
As, I am sure, do the ducks who were very busy with something yesterday on the lake in Waterlow Park, on the other side of Highgate Village.
And on the way home I caught this gull – or is he a duck too? – peacefully making his way across the stock pond – and then back again – and then up the pond – and back – until he finally came to rest on the little islet in the middle. Very soothing after such a hair-raisingly hectic year.
Meanwhile, I hope you all have an enjoyable, if socially distanced Christmas dinner!
Many happy Christmas wishes to Boris (please could he do something/anything about his namesake) and Arwen and their staff from Keats and Big Boy and their ditto, who’ve been on duty and now eating well earned breakfast in the SUN! Something funny about this as it wont post cos it says I’ve already said that!
Well, it did post it twice! I have given up trying to understand the ways of these things. B & A say thank you and send very best back to the stables – and are delighted that the staff have come up to scratch and that all is now well in the gastronomy department. xx